3 Ways To Improve the Accuracy Of Your Strength Tests

Just because you have a number, it doesn’t mean anything. The market is now flooded with dynamometers and devices to acquire data, which is great. However, most people don’t understand how accurate or inaccurate their measures are, and thus this renders them useless in guiding decision-making. So let’s look at measurement error and 3 ways […]

How to Avoid Injuries in the Winter

Winter Injuries As the cold weather approaches and the daylight hours get shorter, the motivation to go outside and exercise may start to dwindle. For those of you who can muster the effort to get outside, exercising in the cold can be really exhilarating. Isn’t there an increased incidence of injury during the winter though? […]

How we fixed a chronic groin strain…

Rehab of a Chronic groin strain This is a pertinent topic right now, made popular by the brilliant BBC programme by Dr Chris van Tulleken, who took over part of a GP surgery and attempted to stop patients’ prescriptions Medication is important, but, not for everything and at the expense of important exercise and rehab […]

What Is Fatigue?

A short slide show on the very basics of muscle fatigue and how it can impact your training

Injuries in Football – Can we prevent them?

What’s the most common injury in football (soccer)? Knee cartilage damage Thigh muscle strain Ankle sprain Concussion Groin strain Any idea…. The answer is …. Thigh muscle strain! In particular to the hamstrings muscle group at the back of the thigh. This is according to data collected over one competitive season in the UEFA League […]

Hip Replacement – The need for physiotherapy

Knee Muscle Strength and Visual Acuity are the Most Important Modifiable Predictors of Falls in Patients after Hip Fracture Surgery No, really..? I came across this paper: Knee Muscle Strength and Visual Acuity are the Most Important Modifiable Predictors of Falls in Patients after Hip Fracture Surgery, a 2013 publication while I was searching for […]

Are You Injury-Aware?

The global consumer healthcare market will be worth over £730 billion by 2018. Here’s how as a Personal Trainer you can make a difference and capitalise on this market before anyone else. Over 380,000 sports are injuries treated per year; over 80,000 knee replacements happen…bottom line, there’s not enough physiotherapy & exercise support on the […]

Personal Trainers – Managing Osteoarthritis

“Personal trainers and fitness professionals see clients with symptoms of OA all the time, but unfortunately the basic qualifications don’t provide enough information and guidance about what and what not to do with them. We need quality, academically-sound courses for personal trainers on injury and rehabilitation to effectively manage these conditions.” Before we get stuck […]

The Psychological Impact of Injury

Do we need to rehabilitate the mind as well as the body? Yes! If you’ve ever suffered an injury, I’m sure you’ll relate to this question, and probably agree with me that it should actually be a statement. Injuries clearly have a physical impact on the body, but they also have a psychological impact too. […]


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How to Use Dynamometry

in Clinical Practice