New Course
How To Use Dynamometry In Clinical Practice
Unlock the power of hand-held dynamometry with the first & only scientifically-underpinned course. Designed and taught by a true expert with decades of experience, this training programme will transform your practice.
- All online, work at your own pace
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I’ve spent a lot of time asking you what you really need, and 100s of you came forth. Having listened to your needs, I’ve put together the most comprehensive and up to date course that will take you …
… from feeling unsure about HHD and if you’re “doing it right”, to being able to craft meaningful and reliable assessments to generate the accurate data you need to inform your treatment decisions.
In doing so we'll also answer the following questions:
- Which HHD should I buy?
- What’s the difference between a MAKE & a BREAK test & does it matter?
- Can I use HHD effectively if I have limited time?
- What is measurement error & how can I reduce it?
- Should I assess athletes differently ?
- Is RFD testing relevant to general populations?
- Is isokinetic better than isometric testing?
plus heaps more!
Why this online course is uniquely for rehab professionals.
You absolutely need accurate and reliable data - this is a biggie, because:
- you measure individuals not groups
- you use data to monitor progress
- You use data for inter-limb comparisons
- A critical evaluation of weightlifting derivatives & resistance exercise for explosive force production
- you use data to inform treatment decisions
- you use data to inform RTP / activity decisions
“Just because you have a number, it does’t mean that it’s accurate or reliable.
Worse, it can guide you into poor decision-making with your patients & clients.
You receive scores of adverts about HHDs but don’t know which one to buy.
You need to conduct accurate and meaningful assessments, but you’re not provided with the training on how to do this.
You’re poor on time and need answers quickly.
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What clinicians often don't know...
Assessing the individual demands a greater level of measurement precision
Some tests of muscle performance may have more than 40% error
RFD is highly variable
Designed and delivered by Dr Claire Minshull
*Minshull et al (2009). Single measurement reliability and reproducibility of volitional and magnetically-evoked indices of neuromuscular performance in adults. J Electromyogr Kinesiol 19 1013-23
We will cover all of this and more in a really simple to follow clinician-focussed course.
That means it’ll be pragmatic and:
- You won’t get bogged down by stats, but you will have a better understanding of measurement science!
- You can use the strategies taught in clinic, you don’t need a complex lab set-up
- You can apply everything you learn to each and every patient / client
- You’ll be able to develop your own measurement protocols and know exactly how accurate they are
- There’s a lot of hype and marketing buzz in the dynamometer market, understandably because there are a lot of devices to chose from and companies need to get your attention. Jazzy-looking devices with apps are cool, but the really important features - the technical specifications are essential to understand what a device is capable of reliably measuring, and not!
A detailed breakdown of each module
Take read of exactly what we’ll cover
Module 1
Introduction To Dynamometry
A solid overview of dynamometry; answers all of the most common questions on dynamometry, sets the scene for more detailed study of important topics.
1. What is dynamometry?
2. Types of dynamometers
3. How do dynamometers work
4. Isometric testing vs. Isokinetic
5. Sampling frequency
6. Hand-held dynamometers
Module 2
What Are We Measuring & Why?
A deep dive into which data to acquire, how to do it, the specifics of intra-individual assessments & how to avoid the mistakes of others.
1. The force-time curve
2. Peak force & rate of force development (RFD)
3. Sampling frequency & RFD
4. Intra-individual vs. group performance
Module 3
Which Dynamometer?
The technical specifications of 17 different HHDs, & how to critically evaluate if they’re ‘fit for (your) purpose’ Spoiler – some definitely aren’t!
Module 4
Measurement Error & Controlling It
What’s error?; Error can compromise the utility of any assessment, even with a great HHD & protocol. Here we learn how to calculate error & importantly reduce it.
1. Sources of measurement error
2. Influences of error on decision making
3. Calculation of measurement error
4. Reducing measurement error
Module 5
Developing Meaningful Assessments
Bringing everything together in this module, we’re laser focussed on how to optimally design & execute of the best tests for your practice, ensuring you collect data that you can rely on!
1. Equipment
2. Protocol
3. Participant
4. Data
Video Library of Upper & Lower Limb Assessments
An invaluable resource of exemplar strength and RFD tests of the upper and lower limb.
Here’s what you’re getting when you enrol:
5 Modules
25 Lessons
Video library
Resources & Templates
Lifetime Access!
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About Dr Claire Minshull
Claire is the Founder of Get Back To Sport, an international strength and conditioning education and training company focussed on rehabilitation, and Visiting Professor at Leeds Beckett University School of Health.
Claire has over 25 years of experience in the fields of academia, research and practice. She has personally conducted 1000s of assessments of muscle function and performance throughout her career ranging from assessing professional athletes in support of return to play decision-making, to monitoring patients undergoing rehabilitation for scientific research. She has written many peer-reviewed articles on measurement science and optimising assessment methods, and has an impressive track record of publications within the fields of strength and conditioning and rehabilitation.