Strength & Neuromuscular Conditioning for Rehabilitation – Level 2

Advanced strength and conditioning for therapists

This evidence-based advanced strength and conditioning for therapists course builds on the fundamentals of strength and neuromuscular conditioning learnt in Level 1  teaches you how harness contemporary scientific principles to optimise your outcomes with patients. Delivered by Dr Claire Minshull, one of the UK’s most highly respected rehabilitation specialists and founder of Get Back to Sport. This course is applicable to both upper and lower limb specialists and those who deal with high functioning athletes, older adults with degenerative problems and anyone else in between.


In this course, you will discover the art and science of strength and neuromuscular training. You will:
  • expand your rehabilitation toolbox of exercise prescription
  • learn current scientific techniques to maximise rehabilitation gains for minimal effort
  • learn training techniques that can attenuate performance losses in the injured limb, even when the limb is immobilised in a cast
  • understand and be able to apply scientific concepts to maximise rehabilitation outcomes

Which scientific concepts?

  • The Cross-Education Effect
  • Non-Concurrent Training / Rehabilitation
  • Exercise-Induced Muscle Damage
  • The Repeated Bout Effect
  • Blood-Flow Restriction Training

Who’s it For?:

  • Physiotherapists, osteopaths, chiropractors & MSK rehabilitation professionals
  • Those involved in exericse prescription
  • Applicable to both upper and lower limb specialists


  • Group & practical work in exercise & rehabilitaiton programme design for clinical populations using concepts introduced
  • Detailed evaluation of the scientific literature with clinical application, including:
  • Exercise-Induced Muscle Damage: mechanisms, impairments and adaptations
  • The Repeated-Bout Effect & how to use this to enhance rehabilitation
  • Prehabilitation: definition, intervention types, critical evaluation of its utility & key components that determine its success
  • The Cross-Education effect: how to train the opposite, unjured limb to promote strength gains in the injured limb
  • Non-Concurrent Rehabilitation: the utility and methods of separating strength and endurance rehabilitation exercise to minimise the interference effect and enhance clinical gains for no net cost in time or resources
  • Blood-flow restriction training offers the ability to train at very low levels of muscle force (10-30% 1RM) but deliver substantial improvements in strength and cross-sectional area.
  • …and be prepared for some high-intensity exercise in the practical sessions for those willing volunteers

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