Strength & Conditioning
for Rehabilitation
An evidence-based comprehensive course that introduces you to the fundamentals of strength and conditioning within rehabilitation settings and takes you right through to learning how harness contemporary scientific principles to optimise your outcomes with patients. Become a certified S&C for Rehab Practitioner.
- 29th - 30th March (2 Days) 9am-5pm
- Keiser University, West Palm Beach, Florida, USA
Only 20 places available.
*Payment Plan Available. Any questions please e-mail
In association with

15 continuing education hours, approved for FL licensed PT and PTA

UK endorsement
A centre of excellence for orthopaedic surgery and rehabilitation

MSCP-R Certification
On successful completion of the course and test.
MSCP-R [Minshull Strength & Conditioning Practitioner in Rehabilitation]

Dr Claire Minshull
Rehabilitation & Conditioning Specialist
If you’re a therapist, clinician or rehabilitation professional searching for information on strength and conditioning and how to effectively use the principles to enhance your patient outcomes and accelerate your practice, then you know you need to find course that specialises in applying strength and conditioning to clinical practice and in patient populations.
This is why I created this course – specifically for rehabilitation professionals. Unfortunately many courses stop when things start to get difficult, like helping you to rehabilitate strength with patients in pain, or how to safely load older populations. Not here. Delivered all over the world, from Dublin to Dubai, Scotland to Serbia, I will give you the tools, strategies and knowledge to up level your rehabilitation in patient populations
Claire has lectured all over the world

Strength & Conditioning For Rehabilitation...
…is an internationally-popular and sell-out course. Drawing from the most pertinent research literature, you will learn the theoretical underpinnings of everything that we do and understand the neuromuscular mechanisms of change.
Not only that, there’s plenty of practical work to try out and master new methods of loading, measuring change and tailoring your exercise prescriptions.
At the end of this course you will confident and comfortable in training muscle strength, power and rate of force development (RFD), with patients and at the appropriate stages in the rehabilitation process.
Here’s what this course will teach you to do...
Achieve the exact outcomes you want for your patients in a faster time
Instantly adapt exercise without losing the specificity
Manage multiple rehabilitation outcomes – effectively
Generate consistently better patient outcomes
Reduce wasted time and effort (and money!)
Topics covered
- Indices of neuromuscular performance & dynamic joint stability (strength, rate of force development, electromechanical delay).
- Terminology and definitions
- Efficacy of rehabilitation and conditioning interventions – for example what ‘is’ strength and thus how to optimally train it
- Underlying physiological determinants of key indices of performance
- The hierarchy of importance of indices of performance for dynamic joint stability.
- The performance characteristics and adaptation of contractile and non-contractile tissue
- The ‘time frame for injury’ and importance of rate of force development (RFD)
- The principles of specificity, overload & progression & critical appraisal of rehabilitation and conditioning literature
- Exercise adaption to accommodate clinical symptoms and restrictions – how to avoid dropping the load as a first response
- Group practical work including: design of progressive strength-focussed and separate power-focussed rehabilitation interventions for specific clinical case studies.
- Dose-response prescriptions for optimised adaptation of muscle strength
- Dose-response prescriptions for optimised adaptation muscle power
- Redefining exercise progressions and regressions; accommodating patients with different physical capabilities and goals
- Exercise-induced muscle damage, DOMS & harnessing the repeated-bout effect
- Periodisation as a template to phase prescription of what to focus on and when throughout an early-to end-stage rehabilitation programme.
- How to conduct reliable and accurate measurements of muscle strength.
- Hand-held dynamometry; how to obtain reliable and accurate measures of individual change
- How to assess muscle power, in clinic!
- The Cross-Education Effect: training the uninjured limb to enhance rehabilitation outcomes of the injured side
What else do you get?

15 continuing education hours, approved for FL licensed PT and PTA

UK endorsement
RJAH NHS Orthopaedic Hospital Trust. A centre of excellence for orthopaedic surgery and rehabilitation

On successful completion of the course and test, you will be awarded with certification: MSCP-R [Minshull Strength & Conditioning Practitioner in Rehabilitation]

Philip Spears
Advanced Practice Physiotherapist,
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde

Julie Lloyd-Evans
Senior Physiotherapist,
RJAH Orthopaedic Hospital

Ahmed Alanzoor
Physical Therapist, S&C Coach,
Rebalance Clinic, Bahrain

Gavin McArt
NHS Lothian

Bill Taylor

Sue Walsh
Associate Athletic Director for Sports Medicine,
About Dr Claire Minshull
Claire Minshull is one of the most highly respected and research active rehabilitation and conditioning specialists in the UK, she is the Founder of Get Back to Sport, an international strength and conditioning education and training company focussed on rehabilitation, and Visiting Professor at Leeds Beckett University School of Health.
Claire has over 25 years of experience in the fields of academia, research and practice. She has designed, led and managed major clinical and nonclinical research trials and academic degrees, supervised several PhD students, and has published over 30 research papers in leading peer-reviewed journals. She is regularly invited to speak at national and international academic and professional symposia and serves as expert reviewer for many scientific peer-reviewed journals.
Claire’s research and teaching interests include the influences of exercise, training and rehabilitation on dynamic joint stability, neuromuscular and musculoskeletal performance. Her work also focuses on developing specialised rehabilitation protocols for enhancing function and performance in osteoarthritis. Claire’s area of expertise uniquely spans the gap between the physiology of conditioning and physiotherapeutic rehabilitation. She founded her company Get Back To Sport to enable the transference of research findings into enhancing clinical practice, and has developed the teaching portfolio that has an international reach. She is regularly invited to speak at national and international academic and professional symposia and serves as expert reviewer for many scientific peer-reviewed journals. Claire is also frequently invited to provide consultancy services to major healthcare providers and is Co-Founder of Joint Approach - a digital multidisciplinary programme for the management of knee osteoarthritis.
Listen to Claire talk about S&C
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