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The Female Athlete/Patient
Females are not small men. Historically performance- and conditioning-based research has predominately derived data from experimental research using male populations. This is due in part for ease; females have a menstrual cycle. The associated fluctuations in hormones make it more difficult and time consuming to standardise measurement conditions. However, precisely because of the physiologic sex-differences it may not be appropriate to blanket extrapolate findings from male to female populations. We need to better understand the female athlete and patient.
feat. Ass Prof Kirsty Elliott-Sale

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Here are this month’s videos.
Check the resources section for the documents and worksheets.
1. Introduction
2. Dr.Kirsty Elliot-Sale Pt.1
3. Dr.Kirsty Elliot-Sale Pt.2
Download audio for Dr Kirsty Elliott-Sale-pt.1
Download audio for Dr Kirsty Elliott-Sale
Here are this month’s videos.
Check the resources section for the documents and worksheets.
1. Introduction
2. Dr.Kirsty Elliot-Sale Pt.1
3. Dr.Kirsty Elliot-Sale Pt.2
Download audio for Dr Kirsty Elliott-Sale-pt.1
Download audio for Dr Kirsty Elliott-Sale

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How to Use Dynamometry

in Clinical Practice