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The Cross-Education Effect
The cross-education (CE) phenomenon describes the strength gain in the opposite untrained limb following unilateral contralateral resistance training. In healthy populations the CE effect can induce strength gains of up to 50% (in the untrained limb) relative to the improvements in the trained limb. In clinical populations CE can attenuate declines in strength caused by surgery, and, or, immobilisation compared to standard care. Learn all about CE, the evidence base and importantly how to deploy to maximal effect in clinical populations.

Find your way around

Here are this month’s videos.
Check the resources section for the documents and worksheets.
1. What Is it?
2. Does It Work?
3. Applied To Clinical Practice
4. Summary
Here are this month’s videos.
Check the resources section for the documents and worksheets.
1. What Is it?
2. Does It Work?
3. Applied To Clinical Practice
4. Summary

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How to Use Dynamometry

in Clinical Practice